Why N Stuff Music you might ask?

Well we are glad you asked that question…We want to get it right the first time…
When you make a purchase at N Stuff Music, we want that experience to be as perfect as possible all the way through from beginning to end. We take great pride in making sure that your purchase is ready to go the first time you get it in your hands!
When a fretted instrument is purchased from us, we do a thorough inspection and pro set up. To us it does not make a difference if it is a beginners guitar or a pro custom instrument, we treat them all the same. We want that guitar or bass to play like a dream for our customer.
We even take it a step further, we will set up the guitar or bass to your specs! If you want a different brand gauge string, or a certain string height or tuning…We will do it for you!
It is a cliche’ saying, “Service after the sale”. For some stores that’s all it is.. A saying.. Just empty words. Those stores sell an extended warranty, because that is the easy way out. Let’s outsource the problem for someone else to handle.
Well at N Stuff, we are in your corner if there rare occasion is an issue. You will deal directly with one of our sales or service staff to get you up and running, not some Bozo in another state or even another country! You will know your salesman by a first name basis, and know he is just a phone call, email, or chat away!
If we don’t know the answer, we will get it for you. If you are having a problem with your new equipment, we will either fix it here, or act as the ”in-between” with you and the manufacturer to get it resolved or replaced.
And service after the sale isn’t just for faulty equipment, this is also for any questions on how to use your new equipment as well. You will talk to someone who knows how to get you up and running and actually help you understand what you are trying to learn. How can we do this…47 years of experience and a staff that averages 15 years of employment here at N Stuff Music…THAT’S HOW!!!!
We pride ourselves on having the best gear at the best price! If you found a better deal we want to know!!
N Stuff Music guarantees 100% satisfaction with every product we sell. If an item does not meet your expectations, just send it back and we will promptly replace, refund, or credit your account - whichever you prefer.
N Stuff was founded in 1968 for the sole purpose of giving the musicians of Pittsburgh, a no nonsense, friendly place to go to try out and purchase music gear. Starting as a simple two-man operation, the approach was simple, be honest and fair with your customers, and they will keep coming back, and maybe bring some friends too!
That simple notion has been the cornerstone of N Stuff Music’s business plan since the beginning, and 47 years later we still live and breathe by this. Word of mouth has served us well, and even in today’s internet driven world, it is amazing how many new friends we make from all around the world from referrals of satisfied customers.
Oh wait….There is much, much more!!!! Not only do you get the “family run small town” friendly approach, you get a store that has more inventory then any big box store! That’s right, we compete directly with the chain stores in product volume and PRICE!!! And while we are on the subject, do you know what else we have that the big box stores NEVER has…..Knowledge and experience! The average employee has been at N Stuff for over 15 years. Most of our staff have been highly active in the local and national music scene, and have been in plenty of the “real world” gigging situations, that can help you make your purchase. So please let our experience help you get what you need!
Try the N Stuff Music Experience. You won’t regret it!